完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



No, I don't like him either.
But it's pointless trying to stop her.
Your parents didn't like you dating me, but it made no difference.
How many teens have you treated, Eva ? Some still thank you.
- Try to be a bit more detached.
- She's my daughter.
- I can't be detached.
- You're always criticizing her.
She criticizes me !
- I'll take that.
- Thanks.
- Wait, I forgot my phone.
- Hurry, it's late !
She's got condoms in her bag.
- How do you know ?
- I found them.
- You searched her bag ?
- I was looking for something.
Eva !
Sofia's going through the drama of leaving the family unit.
Then let's allow her to without being pains.
It would be wrong, she needs a conflict to define herself, a model to detach herselffrom, understand ?
Eva, my mother was a green... - Oh God !
- A greengrocer.
You can't imagine how much simpler it was.