完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



- For example.
So two people can't be happy without depending on someone else.
- You're a pain !
- The other day we argued about God.
It's the same thing in the end.
I don't want their help.
I want to be the meaning of my own life.
I'm selfish and I'll die selfish.
Sometimes having children can be selfish.
- Why selfish ?
- It's a generous act, isn't it ?
No, sometimes it can just be the fear of growing old.
Many hope a child can give them a second life.
I don't torment myself about it.
I've enjoyed having a daughter.
I agree with Rocco.
You can make fun of me, but the best moment of the day is when I put Rosa to bed.
She looks at me and says I'm so beautiful. That makes me happy... - Happy, happy... - We get the message, you're happy.
- Did she say "happy"?
- There was an echo.
We'll talk again when she's 16 and tells you to piss off.
Don't say that, and it's true, kids give you a second chance.
It's like going over your life again through them.
You see, I don't want to go over my life again.