完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



- I wouldn't want you to be upset.
- I'm not upset.
I wonder why eclipses fascinate us so much.
- The Dark Side of the Moon !
- Great record !
Let's take a photo, come over here.
- Who'll take it ?
- I will.
- Squeeze together.
- I'll bend down or we won't fit.
Wait, darling, I'll do it. Hold it... - Everyone in ? Smile.
- One... "Hi".
- What does he want on a Friday night ?
- I don't know.
- Who's Ivano ?
- Her ex.
- He's pissed.
- No.
- I'm joking.
- Let's take the photo.
- Why did you save his number as Ivano ?
- How else ? That's his name.
- By his surname.
- Come on, he's her ex !
- Precisely !