不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script


影片中一个和蔼可亲的小镇普通人莫名其妙地变成了拥有心灵感应能力的天才。 John Travolta plays George Malley, who owns the local auto repair shop in a small California town. After celebrating his birthday with friends at the local bar/hang-out, George heads for home. He pauses to watch a strange light in the sky, then collapses for a few seconds in the middle of the deserted street. In the days and weeks that follow, George finds his IQ and consciousness expanding dramatically, and develops telekinetic abilities. Despite his attempts to explain what has happened to him, with just a very few exceptions, most of the local townspeople treat the "new" George as a freak. His state of isolation becomes even more pronounced when his new-found abilities allow him to correctly predict an earthquake, and outside authorities become interested in what's happened to him.

Well, he just has a thing for seismologists.
- Yeah, come on out.
- Thank you.
Yeah, this is my friend, Nate Pope.
- How do?
- How do you do?
W-W-Well, let me get you a cold drink. Come on in.
- From the university, huh?
- Yes.
- Uh-huh.
And, uh, we are very interested in how... you were able to predict that earthquake, Mr Malley.
Oh, that.
You see, l, l, just picked up the subsonic frequency waves, right?
And, of course, l was standing on the fault, so that made it easier.
- W-W-What instrumentation did you use?
- Just me.
lf you think that's somethin', you should see him move stuff with his brain.
Nate, never mind that. You see, l felt the ultra-low frequency waves, and they kind of made me dizzy and nauseous, right?
And that's how l perceived all this.
We've been studying quake prediction for ten years.
There's no record of any person ever feeling the pre-quake activity.
Now there is.
We have some ULF equipment in our labs.
Could you come in for an experiment?
- Come to Berkeley?