硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script


人总是喜欢回望过去,努力为过去所发生的一切作出完美的解释,尽管有时候过去是由无意、幸运、惊喜组成的。 Pirates of Silicon Valley 就是一部尝试重现Apple与Microsoft早期发展历史的电视电影(TNT播出)

So we called ourselves Apple and started making those little computers.
Me. Steve and his friends Elizabeth and Dan.
All of us sweating away in Steve's parents' garage.
It's like sometimes not knowing how crazy something is is a good thing.
You're just goofing around until someone like Mike shows up and says. Wow.
- Steve Jobs?
- Jobs.
Oh. right. I'm sorry. Mike Markula.
- Hey. Mike. How you doing?
- I'm well.
The man who put intelligence into Intel.
- Yeah-- - No smoking in here.
Oh. I'm sorry about that. Yeah.
- Valentine said you might call.
- Yeah.
- Welcome to Apple Computers.
- Thank you. Here it is, huh?
I was looking for a venture opportunity like this.
What kind of venture money are we talking about. Mike?
We start with about a quarter million dollars and see what happens.
Excuse me?
Quarter million dollars.
You must be Steve Wozniak.
- Yeah.
- Mike Markula.