硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script


人总是喜欢回望过去,努力为过去所发生的一切作出完美的解释,尽管有时候过去是由无意、幸运、惊喜组成的。 Pirates of Silicon Valley 就是一部尝试重现Apple与Microsoft早期发展历史的电视电影(TNT播出)

Oh. jeez. Not again.
What? What? What?
What are you--? What are you talking about.
It's not your child?
How do I even know if this baby's mine?
- You know. Damn you, you know.
- How do I know that?
Steve. I'm two months pregnant.
Who else have I been with?
Look. go do whatever it is you wanna do.
You wanna play mommy? Fine.
- But the kid's not mine.
- It is. It is.
You bastard! God.
What did they say?
Hey. Steve. Take a look at this.
Carl's got that parity on that BASIC-- You guys are not being paid to be a bunch of clowns! Or maybe you are.
Maybe that's the problem around here.
You guys are supposed to be writing programs.
Steve. we were just doing-- I need people with talent.
I need artists! What the hell are you morons but a bunch of clock-punching losers? Huh. tell me?
And here is another letter of recommendation.
Well. Mr. Brewster.
we've looked at your application and I see a lot of mainframe experience here.
Six years. Actually-- Six and a half.