硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script


人总是喜欢回望过去,努力为过去所发生的一切作出完美的解释,尽管有时候过去是由无意、幸运、惊喜组成的。 Pirates of Silicon Valley 就是一部尝试重现Apple与Microsoft早期发展历史的电视电影(TNT播出)

Steve? I don't know if you've met Steve Jobs.
Yes. No. It's good to meet you.
You were in marketing. correct?
That was before the programming. Yeah.
I took night-school courses at San Jos State.
You look like an IBM type.
Well no. But I did have a chance in college to be interviewed by them and they liked me. They flew me out to their headquarters Back East.
Oh. I'm sure they did.
No. I did. see?
I was one of about a dozen people that they really recruited.
Are you a virgin?
Steve. come on.
- What? Am I what?
- Are you a virgin?
How old were you when you first got laid?
I don't-- I don't-- - Steve. will you leave him alone?
- I asked you a question.
My wife and I have been married since we were in grad school.
I didn't ask you about your wife.
You're still a virgin.
You just think you're not.
You don't fit in here.
Why are you even wasting our time?