硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script


人总是喜欢回望过去,努力为过去所发生的一切作出完美的解释,尽管有时候过去是由无意、幸运、惊喜组成的。 Pirates of Silicon Valley 就是一部尝试重现Apple与Microsoft早期发展历史的电视电影(TNT播出)

- Why don't we go to Denny's?
- Is that Joan Baez with him?
Wait. wait. Who's Joan Baez?
- Hi.
- John.
I need to talk to you. It's important.
Okay. John. Excuse me.
We've got a problem.
We've been asked to make a toast to Steve.
Me? Toast Steve? No way. man.
Not after what's happened. No way.
Oh. John. don't look at me. I-- Mike. you do it.
After the past few months?
I don't think so.
John. you're the one.
- No. Not now. Absolutely no way.
- Why not?
- Look. Steve thinks I'm his... - He thinks you're what?
Ladies and gentlemen. a toast.
To a remarkable man.
A man who brought me to this company without whom none of this tonight would ever have happened.
Steve Jobs. truly a guiding light.
A man who sees the future.
- Hear. hear! - Steve.
Happy birthday! It's weird. but sometimes you find things that are more important to you than the things you think are important.