Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script


《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》是2006年上映的美国奇幻喜剧电影,是《加勒比海盗》系列电影的第二部,由戈尔·维宾斯基执导,特里·鲁西奥和泰德·艾略特编剧,约翰尼·德普、奥兰多·布鲁姆、凯拉·奈特莉等人主演。 影片主要讲述了海盗杰克·斯帕罗船长由于欠下了海盗戴维·琼斯的债,为了还债获得自由身,杰克与其他几方势力共同争夺拥有巨大魔力的聚魂棺的故事。 影片于2006年7月7日在美国上映,该片是系列全五部中唯一…

Once you've sworn an oath to the Dutchman, there's no leaving it.
Not until your debt is paid.
I've sworn no oath.
You must get away.
Not until I find this.
The key.
The dead man's chest.
What do you know of this?
Open the chest with the key, and stab the heart... No, don't stab the heart.
The Dutchman needs a living heart or there'll be no captain, and if there's no captain, there's no one to have the key.
So the captain has the key?
- Where is the key?
- Hidden.
- Where is the chest?
- Hidden.
Captain Sparrow!
Come to join me crew, lad?
Welcome aboard.
I'm here to find the man I love.
I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea.
Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow.
Hide the rum.
These clothes do not flatter you.
It should be a dress or nothing.