Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script


《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》是2006年上映的美国奇幻喜剧电影,是《加勒比海盗》系列电影的第二部,由戈尔·维宾斯基执导,特里·鲁西奥和泰德·艾略特编剧,约翰尼·德普、奥兰多·布鲁姆、凯拉·奈特莉等人主演。 影片主要讲述了海盗杰克·斯帕罗船长由于欠下了海盗戴维·琼斯的债,为了还债获得自由身,杰克与其他几方势力共同争夺拥有巨大魔力的聚魂棺的故事。 影片于2006年7月7日在美国上映,该片是系列全五部中唯一…

You're going to want it.
A chance to be admired and gain the rewards that follow.
You won't be able to resist.
You're going to want to know what it tastes like.
I do want to know what it tastes like.
But... seeing as you're a good man, I know that you'd never put me in a position that would compromise my honor.
I'm proud of you, Jack.
Land, ho!
I want my jar of dirt.
- You're pulling too fast.
- You're pulling too slow.
- We don't want the kraken to catch us.
- I'm saving me strength for when it comes.
And I don't think it's "kracken" anyways.
I always heard it said "krayken."
- With a long a?
- Uh-huh.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. "Krocken" is how it's pronounced in Scandinavian, and "kracken" is closer to that.
We ain't Scandinavians, are we?
It's a mythological creature.
I can calls it what I wants.
Guard the boat. Mind the tide.
Don't touch my dirt.
This doesn't work. And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most.