Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



The whole town speaks of you.
The only survivor of the Monarch.
A boy who pelled..
All the way to St Martin, against the tide.
On a piece of wood.
Now gibbering about pirates.
And tridents.
Please sir, let me go off these chains.
My job is to protect this island and these waters.
And your sleeves have been ripped, The mark of treason.
We were attacked by the dead.
You're a coward who ran from battle.
That is how you die.
- I don't believe you're a coward.
- Please leave me sister.
I've risked my life to come here.
To see if the rumors are true.
- Are you speak of the Trident?
- Who are you?
- Tell me why you seek the trident?
- The Trident can break, any curse at sea.
My father is trapped by such a curse.
You're aware that curses are not supported by science.
- Neither the ghosts.
- So you have gone mad?