Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



- I should never have come here.
- Then why did you come here?
Because I need to get off this island.
To solve the map.
"No man can read".
Left by Poseidon himself.
- You've read the ancient text?
- In each language they were written.
But this map has never been seen or read, by any man.
Luckily I am a woman.
This is the diary of Galileo Galilei.
He's spent his life searching for the Trident, It's why he invented the spyglass.
Why astronomers' spend their lives staring in to the sky.
So you're saying the map no man can read, Is hidden in the stars?
It was left to me by my father.
He believe I could find..
What no man has ever found.
I will not let him down.
Soon, there will be blood moon.
Only then can the map be read.
- And the Trident found.
- Who are you?
- Carina Smyth!
- If you have to save your father, you'll have to save me.
Find us a ship.