Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



Come to Daddy.
Just the man we've been looking for.
Why? Why am I looked for?
Let it be known that the pirate Jack Sparrow..
Will be executed at dawn.
I will never set foot in this town again, sir. Be mark of words.
To release the power of the sea.
One must divide.
It's an island.
The stars lead to an island.
- I'm looking for a pirate, Jack Sparrow.
- Bugger off!
I need to speak with you.
- Give me your sword.
- I don't have a sword.
- What kind of soldier has no weapon?
- I'm counting on to the treason.
So, not a very good kind.
I am looking for a pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow?
Today is your lucky day.
Because I just happen to be..
Captain Jack Sparrow.
No, it can't be.
I've spent years searching for.. this?