Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



That's him, your sireness!
He leaves one man from each vessel..
To tell the tale.
The entire fleet is being sunk.
And we'll soon be dead.
And quite possibly out of business.
I'll be needing some time with your witch..
I have been expecting you Captain.
Perhaps you would like some tea.
I shall pass, thank you kindly.
The price of crossing my door is blood, Captain.
That explains why you're not so busy.
Everyone pays, eventually.
Shansa, you and I made a bond long ago.
I saved you from the gallows.
And I cursed your enemies.
But now you come to me with fear.
As the dead have taken command over the sea.
And what would the dead be wanting with me?
Not you, Captain.
- They're searching for a Sparrow.
- Jack?
Jack who sails for the trident..
With a girl and a Pearl.