Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



But I forgive your common dim witlessness and feeble brains.
In short, most of you have the mind of a goat.
Pardon me sir.
It's not common practice... for those about to be executed.
To be granted a last, I don't know, some of a..?
I believe I was making a point.
If you could just be patient.
My head's about to be lopped off.
Hence the urgency.
And my neck is to be broken.
Did you know that on occasion, the neck doesn't actually break.
- It just hurts.
- What?
Oh Yes.
I have seen men swing for hours.
Eyes bulging, tongues swelling.
- Revolting gurgling sound.
- May I finish?
No. You're lucky.
Wish I was hung.
- Kill the filthy pirate, I'll wait..
- The witch is first.
I'm not a witch.
Did not you listen?