Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



- I don't need any cordial intent.
Do you hear that?
This pirate wishes to be cordial.
So let me show you what my cordiality is.
Every time I tap my sword.
One of your men will die, So I suggest you speak quickly.
Might want to go a bit faster Captain.
- Where is Jack Sparrow?
- Jack be sailing for the trident.
- No. The sea belongs to the dead.
- The Trident controls the seas.
No, no. There is no treasure.
There is no treasure.
I can't save him.
He'll die with you.
I be the only one that can lead you to him.
I declare you should have Jack's life by sunrise tomorrow.
Or you can take me on then.
Do we have an accord?
Tail me to him.
And you will live to tell the tale.
You have my word.
I thank you on behalf of my crew.
Okay. You can take what's left them.
The living come aboard.