Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



- There is no map in this map.
- Give me my diary.
Give me the map no man can read.
If you could read it.
Then it wouldn't be call the map that no man can read.
I beg you please, don't argue with her.
Most of the men on this ship can't read.
Which makes all maps.
Maps that no man can read.
Well if you can't read it, then you've no use for it, or me.
Let me start again.
Show me the map.
I can't. It does not even exist.
- She's a witch!
- I'm an astronomer.
- She breeds donkeys.
- What? No.
- An astronomer contemplates the sky.
- Yay, on a donkey.
- No, there's no donkey!
- Well then how do you breed then?
Allows me to simplify this equation.
Give me the map.
Or I'll kill.. him, or kill him.
Go on then. You're bluffing.