Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



My point exactly, I am doing two things at once.
You can't save the unsavable mate.
Like it or not Jack, you're going to help me.
I will break my father's curse.
Next time you raise a sword, boy.
Be the last to die.
Might I suggest you entice her with a bit of flattery.
I am here for my father, nothing more.
I knew it, absolutely smitten with that.
Now, bit of discretion when goes into brunette.
Never presume her sister.
But if you can not avoid the charming sister.
Kill the brother, savvy?
No, I do not savvy.
Who hurt you? By the way that little slim of knowledge.
- Has cost you five pieces.
- I am not paying you for that.
Never say that to a woman.
Just because you can't see something does not mean it's not there.
Like the map?
We have to find it.
It's the only link to who I am.
Who my father was.
So we both spent our lives, searching for our fathers.
Perhaps you and I are closer than you think.