Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



And she was always looking at watch.
I can vouch for that.
So no one can find the X, but you, right?
- And the donkey?
- Ship to the f!
Jack, the dead will not rest until they get their revenge.
No, no, the dead.
- Were never part of this deal.
- We should've never follow.
A luck less pirate and a witch to sea.
Right, that's it. Kill them all.
Kill me and, and..
I will be dead.
And then the other dead won't be able to have the revenge.
Against me, - I'd be dead.
- What?
- Which will anger them even more.
- He's right.
That's right.
Are all pirates this stupid?
What are we going to do?