Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



As Captain.
Might I suggest.
You had to suggest a mutiny?
Carina, the dead are coming.
Well. I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense.
Do you not see what's behind us?
- Drop them!
- Si.
Drop them!
What are you doing?
Men on that ship are looking for Jack.
And Jack is on this boat.
I'm going to swim for it.
How dare you do exactly what I'd do if I were you?
- Carina stop!
- No, no, no, don't stop.
- This has gone far enough.
- No, it has not.
Listen not to him, carry on, carry on.
- Why, she was almost finished.
- I saw her ankles.
You'd have to seen a lot more, if you kept the cakeholes shut.
Kill the sparrow.
That's not good, is it?