Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



She needs the sea.
She was a fine ship.
There be room for only one captain.
- Filthy beast.
- Time to race the dead.
The only safe place is the land.
Why are we going away from the land?
Nobody knows?
Captain, your map is incomplete.
I can take us to the Trident, if you'd only trust me.
Did you not hear anything I just said?
So you be saying.
Is that star pretending to be a map?
Sir, there is no island, on any map, to support what the woman says.
Captain, you don't have to understand her.
Just believe her.
Any one?
We had something sharp, I could pick that lock.
You are not gonna find anything sharp in here.
Release them.
Sir, you wouldn't allow a woman to steer your ship?
She will follow her star.
Or we'll all die together.
The Black Pearl.
She sails again.