Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



This ship. Those ghosts.
There can be no logical explanation.
Myths of the sea are real, Carina.
I'm glad you can finally see you were wrong.
Perhaps I had some doubts.
This is the worst apology I've ever heard.
Apology? Why would I apologize?
Because we've been chased by the dead, sailing on a ship, raised from a bottle.
Where is your science in that?
Fine, I will apologize.
Go on, then.
Well then, one could argue that you owe me an apology.
As my life has been threatened by pirates and dead man.
Which you now believe in, sorry to say.
Apology accepted.
I am going to the lookout.
I'm glad you see it my way!
- Ready the guns.
- Aye. Ready the guns!
These pirates are going for the trident.
Where did you get that from Missy?
I know this book, stolen from an Italian ship, - many years ago.
- Stolen?