Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script



Aye, so we making accord then?
Or, Shall I tell you know who..
What we both know it's the truth.
We both take the secret to our grave.
You mean, it is true?
I was bluffing.
I am not!
You kill me, you got nothing to bow to the deadness.
So you need me.
I will have to frank Hector.
You are very, very ugly.
So how could you produce a fetching creature such as that?
Margaret died.
That worthless blaggerd ever could.
I placed the infant in an orphanage, never to see her again.
I thought the ruby might afford her some easy life..
But I never imagined she would take those scribblings..
Make a life of her own.
Life that's led her back to me.
I would say this puts me in a rather favorable position, Daddy.
- Tell me what you want.
- I want mi compass.
216 barrels of rum.
And a monkey.
- You want Jack?