Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script

杰瑞发布于02 May 16:17


No, no. Not rocks, stars.
This is the map no man can read.
This island is a perfect reflection of the heavens.
One star's missing, quickly.
We have to find the trident to save Henry.
I think you should know she's a horologist.
Why is not it glowing?
Finish it, Carina.
The missing star.
For my father.
Do it for him.
- Posiedon's tomb.
- This way.
You know the danger.
Don't do it!
We have no choice.
Jack is on land going for the trident.
Capitan, there must be another way.
Once you possess the living, there is no coming back.
You will be trapped in his body.