Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script

杰瑞发布于02 May 16:17


The Tridente will set me free.
- Time to kill a sparrow.
- No!
- Look Jack, there it is.
- The trident.
You cut me, you cut the boy Jack.
- Henry!
- No.
Hola, Sparrow.
Sparrow, Sparrow.
Henry, you've woken him up Please.
Henry wake up!
Oh, piss off!
Henry wakes up, he is killing Jack.
- Power of the sea.
- What?
- The power of the sea.
- To release the power of the sea..
All must divide.
If the trident holds all the power, then.
Then every curse is held inside.