Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script



Yes, it was terrifying.
But... the Commodore proposed!
Fancy that.
That's a smart match, miss, if it's not too bold to say.
It is a smart match.
He's a fine man.
He's what any woman should dream of marrying.
That Will Turner... he's a fine man, too.
That is too bold.
Beggin' your pardon.
It was not my place.
Has my daughter given you an answer yet?
No, she hasn't.
She has had a trying day.
- Ghastly weather, don't you think?
- Really bleak.
What's that?
Cannon fire!
Return fire!
I know those guns.
It's the Pearl.
The Black Pearl?
I've heard stories.
She's been preying on ships and settlements for ten years.
- Never leaves any survivors.