Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script



We promise we won't hurt you.
We will find you, poppet.
You've got something of ours and it calls to us.
The gold calls to us.
The gold.
Hello, poppet.
- What?
- I invoke the right of parley.
The Code of the Brethren states you have to take me to your captain.
I know the Code.
You can do me no harm until the parley is complete.
- To blazes with the Code.
- She wants to be taken to the Captain.
And she'll go, without a fuss.
We must honor the Code.
Say goodbye!
- Come on.
- Elizabeth.
Out of my way, scum!
My sympathies. You've no manner of luck at all.
Come on, doggy! It's just you and me now.
It's you and old Jack. Come on.
That's a boy! Get your bone!