Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script



Load the guns!
Case shot and langrage!
Nails and crushed glass!
With a will!
The Pearl will luff up on our port quarter.
She'll rake us without presenting a target.
Lower the anchor on the right side.
On the starboard side!
- It has the element of surprise.
- You're daft, lady. You both are.
Daft like Jack.
Lower the starboard anchor!
Do it, you gobs, or it's you we'll load into the cannons!
Let go!
They're club hauling.
Hard a port! Rack the starboard oars!
Hard a port!
Keep her steady, man.
- Now!
- Fire!
Fire all!
Stop blowing holes in my ship!
- We need more ideas, lass!
- It's your turn!
- We need us a devil's dowry!