Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script



Guess there is reason to fret.
- Beg your pardon.
- Begun by blood. By blood... Jack!
- It's not possible.
- Not probable.
Where's Elizabeth?
Safe, like I promised. She's set to marry Norrington, like she promised, and you get to die for her like you promised.
So we're all men of our word, except for Elizabeth, who is a woman.
Shut up! You're next!
- You don't want to be doing that.
- No, I think I do.
Your funeral.
- Why don't I want to be doing it?
- Because... The HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy, is floating just offshore waiting for you.
What are we doing here?
The pirates come out, unprepared and unawares.
We catch 'em in a crossfire and send 'em down to see Old Hob.
I meant, why aren't we doing what Mr. Sparrow said we should do?
- With the cannons and all?
- Because it was Mr. Sparrow who said it.
You think he wasn't telling the truth?
Hear me out, mate.
Order your men to row out to the Dauntless, they do what they do best, Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt... There you are with two ships.
The makings of your own fleet.
You'll take the grandest as your flagship and who's to argue?