Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Movie Script



Are you decent?
Still abed at this hour?
It's a beautiful day.
I have a gift for you.
- It's beautiful!
- Isn't it?
May I inquire as to the occasion?
Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter?
Go on.
Actually... I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today.
The ceremony?
Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony.
I knew it!
Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become.
A fine gentleman, don't you think?
He fancies you, you know.
Elizabeth? How's it coming?
- It's difficult to say.
- It's the latest fashion in London.
Women in London must've learned not to breathe!
My Lord, you have a visitor.
Mr. Turner! Good to see you again.
Good day, sir. I have your order.