邮差 Postino Il Movie Script


  马里奥(马西莫•特罗西 Massimo Troisi 饰)是一个渔民的儿子,他并不喜欢大海,却当上了邮递员,专门负责小岛上信件的发送。   小岛上住着智利诗人聂鲁达(菲利浦•诺瓦雷 Philippe Noiret 饰)和他的妻子。聂鲁达被流放至此地,他擅长写诗,才华横溢。马里奥每天都收发很多聂鲁达的信件。在频繁的接触中,马里奥越发崇拜这个诗人,他热衷于跟聂鲁达讨论诗,学习诗。当爱上岛上的美丽姑娘后,马里奥经常跟聂鲁达倾诉心事,并最终用诗打动了姑娘的芳心,二人结成伉俪。   直到聂鲁达离开小岛,马里奥仍然坚持着对诗的热爱。他继续写诗,正打算在工人集会上读诗,却遭致了意想不到的灾难。 Postino Il Movie Quotes

Her name's Beatrice.
Dante Alighieri.
He fell for a certain Beatrice.
Beatrices have inspired boundless love.
What are you doing?
Writing down the name Dante.
Dante I know, but Alighieri... - Has it got an "h" in it?
- Wait, I'll write it for you.
Thank you.
I'm madly in love.
You've already told me that, but what can I do about it?
I don't know, if you can help... But I'm an old man.
I don't know, because... I suddenly saw her in front of me.
I stared at her, but I couldn't utter a word.
What, you didn't say anything to her?
Not much.
- I watched her and fell in love.
- Just like that? In a flash?
No, I stared at her for ten minutes first.
And she?
And she said... What's up, never seen a woman before?
What's your name?
Beatrice Russo.
And you?