- Ira Glass:
In Danielle's house, ever since she was a girl, when dinner comes, sometimes they serve a meal that might look familiar to you. Here's the main course. On a big platter, picture drumsticks, white breast meat, golden brown skin. Somebody carves this. Perhaps on a holiday, there's stuffing and cranberry relish on the side. And in Danielle's family, they have a name for this meal. As she told me on the phone recently, the name for this meal is--在丹妮尔的家里,从她还是个女孩的时候起,当晚餐到来时,有时他们会提供一顿你可能很熟悉的饭菜。这是主菜。在一个大盘子里,画着鸡腿,白色的胸肉,金棕色的皮肤。有人雕刻这个。也许在度假时,会有馅料和蔓越莓口味。在丹妮尔的家里,他们为这顿饭起了个名字。正如她最近在电话中告诉我的,这顿饭的名字是--- Ira Glass:
Well, from WBEZ Chicago, it is Your Radio Playhouse, a special program tonight on the wonders of "fish." Actually, we can say the word here. And the word would be "poultry.". We are in the interregnum of poultry. We stand at this moment between the poultry of Thanksgiving and the poultry of Christmas. This is the peak poultry moment in our American year. Something like a fourth, a little less than a fourth of all the turkey consumed in this country consumed during these few weeks.好吧,来自芝加哥WBEZ的节目是“你的电台剧场”,今晚的一个关于“鱼”奇迹的特别节目。事实上,我们可以在这里说出这个词。这个词应该是“家禽”。我们正处于家禽的过渡期。此刻,我们站在感恩节的家禽和圣诞节的家禽之间。这是我们美国一年中的家禽高峰时刻。大约是四分之一,略少于这几个星期里这个国家所有火鸡消费量的四分之一。 And to honor that, we bring you this evening an odd variety of stories and things you would not hear elsewhere, as we always do of course. Things you not would hear elsewhere-- just transpose the words of that sentence yourselves at home. I'm not going to do that for you-- about turkeys, chickens, ducks, fowl of all kind and their mysterious hold over us.为了纪念这一点,我们今天晚上给大家带来了一些奇怪的故事和其他地方听不到的东西,当然,我们总是这样做。你在其他地方听不到的话——你自己在家里就把这句话的意思调换一下。我不会为你做这些——关于火鸡、鸡、鸭、各种家禽以及它们对我们的神秘控制。 Well, I am Ira Glass. A Chicago poet actually named Jim Banks suggested a special name for this special poultry edition of this Your Radio Playhouse. His suggestion, "A Poultry Slam," after, of course, the poetry slams the we hold here in Chicago, in the venerable paneled darkness of the Green Mill Cocktail Lounge each Sunday. Coming up this hour, David Sedaris, Luis Rodriguez, and other writers and radio heroes. And of course, of course, of course, what poultry-positive radio program could be complete without--.我是伊拉·格拉斯。一位名叫吉姆·班克斯(Jim Banks)的芝加哥诗人为这部《你的电台剧场》(Your Radio Playhouse)的特别家禽版提出了一个特别的名字。当然,他的建议是“家禽大满贯”,这是在我们每个周日在芝加哥的格林磨坊鸡尾酒休息室(Green Mill Cocktail Lounge)庄严的黑暗中举行的诗歌朗诵之后。本小时将有大卫·塞达里斯、路易斯·罗德里格斯以及其他作家和电台英雄。当然,当然,当然了,如果没有——,什么家禽正面广播节目是完整的。- Ira Glass:
Yes, indeed. In the late 1960s, the winged warrior Chickenman struck terror in the hearts of evildoers everywhere, on Chicago radio first and then across the nation. Tonight, we're going to bring you a historic first, the first new episode since 1969, later. That will be later, later. See, because we're savvy broadcasters here. Even though it's public broadcasting, we're going to make you wait 'til later in the show for that. We know many of you are tuning in for that, and we're going to make you wait.没错。20世纪60年代末,长着翅膀的战士奇肯曼(Chickeman)首先在芝加哥广播电台,然后在全国各地的邪恶分子心中制造了恐怖。今晚,我们将为您带来历史性的第一集,1969年以来的第一集。那将是稍后,稍后。看,因为我们是精明的广播公司。尽管这是公共广播,我们还是会让你等到节目的晚些时候。我们知道你们中的很多人都在关注这一点,我们会让你们等待。- Ira Glass:
That's right. And they call it this for a reason. And the reason has to do with this stuffed hand puppet called Duki. A little background, Danielle is 28 years old, editor at Details magazine in New York City, a very fashionable magazine. Her sister, Ashley, two years younger, now a graduate student at the University of Michigan. And Duki has been in the family since they were children.这是正确的。他们这样称呼是有原因的。原因与这个叫做Duki的毛绒木偶有关。有点背景,丹妮尔28岁,是纽约市一家时尚杂志《细节》的编辑。她的妹妹阿什利小两岁,现在是密歇根大学的研究生。杜基从小就在家里。- Danielle:
Well, he was a Christmas present when Ashley was about eight and I was about 10. And when he first arrived he was really fluffy. And he was this beautiful, fluffy, white duck. And he had a cape on and black kind of villain/hero goggles. I guess we'd call it hero goggles. And I think he was, because there was an S on his cape, I'm sure he was supposed to be Superduck or something. And he's a puppet. He lost the outfit pretty quickly, and he went naked. And then he became Ashley's vehicle for torturing me.嗯,他是阿什利八岁左右和我十岁左右时的圣诞礼物。当他第一次来的时候,他真的很蓬松。他是一只美丽、毛茸茸的白鸭子。他穿着斗篷,戴着黑色的恶棍/英雄护目镜。我想我们应该称之为英雄护目镜。我想他是,因为他的斗篷上有一个S,我肯定他应该是超级鸭子之类的。他是个木偶。他很快就把衣服弄丢了,然后一丝不挂。然后他成了艾希礼折磨我的工具。 And basically what would happen is Ashley would channel-- that's kind of an anachronism to use that word in this context-- but Ashley would channel Duki's voice. She would speak as Duki. She would produce the Duki-like voice. And Duki was sarcastic and selfish and bossy. Duki would insult and tease Danielle and give her painful nose squeaks.基本上会发生的是阿什利会引导——在这种情况下使用这个词有点过时——但阿什利会将杜基的声音引导出去。她会以杜基的身份说话。她会发出杜基式的声音。杜基是个讽刺、自私、专横的人。杜基会侮辱和取笑丹妮尔,让她鼻子发出痛苦的吱吱声。- Danielle:
Ashley's very considerate. She's very considerate and kind and thoughtful, and very, very sensitive to other people. Very, very concerned about if other people are happy or if someone else doesn't feel good. And Duki has this total "What's for lunch?" attitude, like "What's in it for me?" in your face, totally out for himself, simultaneously a braggart and a total wimp.阿什利很体贴。她非常体贴、善良、体贴,对其他人非常、非常敏感。非常、非常关心别人是否快乐,或者别人是否感觉不好。杜基总共说了一句“午餐吃什么?”态度,比如“这对我有什么好处?”在你面前,完全是为了自己,同时也是一个吹牛的人和一个十足的窝囊废。