越狱 终结篇Prison Break: The Final Break Movie Script


《最后一越》将讲述众人在《越狱》正剧最后的大结局忽略掉的四年之间发生的事。   迈克尔(文特沃斯·米勒 Wentworth Miller 饰)在同伴的帮助下搞垮了“公司”, 但迈克尔脑中还有一个肿瘤。就在他和怀胎八月的莎拉(莎拉·韦恩·卡丽丝 Sarah Wayne Callies 饰)结了婚,还来不及度蜜月享受新婚生活时,莎拉就因为杀了克里斯蒂娜·斯科菲尔德而被捕关进了Miami-Dade女子监狱,在狱中她遇到了格雷琴。而坎特兹将军也被关进了Miami-Dade男子监狱,当不久要坐上电椅的他得知莎拉的境地时,悬赏十万美元加害于她。迈克尔为了自己爱的人和尚未出世的孩子,决定联手哥哥林肯(多米尼克·珀塞尔 Dominic Purcell 饰)故技重施,帮助莎拉越狱。这一次,他们不得不最后一次铤而走险

- Who did that?
- No one's talking.
But I hear it says fish.
Tancredi and Morgan.
No! No! There he is.
If you don't like this guy, we can still find someone else.
Good to see you, Sni.
What you get into here, Mahone?
Jumping at 1500 feet ain't going to be easy.
You've gone back on your word already?
Let's not forget who's doing who a favor here.
Favor that I bust your old lady for traficking.
No, I did not.
If anyone asks, I was flying tourists to the Keys, and it's not my fault they jumped.
Sounds good to me.
If you don't like this guy, we'd take a day.
- We come up with a new plan.
- No, there's no time, Alex.
- It's not just Sara's life at risk.
- I understand that.
I know you do.
That's why I also know I can ask for your help.
- Yeah. What do you need?
- If I don't make it... I want you to make sure Sara and my brother get out of the country alive.