我有话要说Pump Up the Volume Movie Script


Mark is an intelligent but shy teenager who has just moved to Arizona from the East Coast. His parents give him a short-wave radio so he can talk to his pals, but instead he sets up shop as pirate deejay Hard Harry, who becomes a hero to his peers while inspiring the wrath of the local high school principal. When one of Harry's listeners commits suicide and Harry- inspired chaos breaks out at the school, the authorities are called in to put a stop to Harry's broadcasts. 马克是一个聪明害羞的年轻人,刚刚从东海岸搬到Arizona.他的父母给他了一个短波的收音机对讲机,他可以用来和伙伴通话, 但是他却以海盗主持人Hard Harry的身份开始播音,他成为了同龄人的英雄,同时激起了当地高中校长的愤怒。当哈利的一位听众自杀,学校里爆发了哈利引发的混乱时,当局被要求停止哈利的广播。

You ever get the feeling that everything in America... is completely f***ed up?
You know that feeling?
The whole country is one inch away from saying... "That's it! Forget it!" Think about it.
Everything's polluted-- the environment, the government, the schools-- you name it.
Speaking of schools... I was walking the hallowed halls the other day... and I asked myself... "Is there life after high school... "because I can't face tomorrow... "let alone a whole year of this sh*t." Yeah, you got it, folks.
It's me again with a little attitude... for all you out here in white-bread land... all you nice people... livin' in the middle of America the beautiful.
Let's see, we're on 92 FM... and it feels like a nice, clean little band so far.
No one else is using it and the price is right.
And, yes, folks, you guessed it.
Tonight, I'm as horny as a ten-peckered owl... so stay tuned because this is Hard Harry... reminding you to eat your cereal with a fork... and do your homework in the dark.
Hey! Gimme that.
Hey, man, let me see that.
Give it on over here.
He played Ice-T on this tape.
Great. Plays Ice- and talks about his dick.
Nah, man.
Ice-T shreds on this.
I heard it last night.
Mr. Chavez? Luis Chavez?
Yes, just for a second.
All right, so I'll pick you up after yearbook?
OK, Dad.
And no big dates tonight.
Be well-rested for your history exam tomorrow.
- OK.