我有话要说Pump Up the Volume Movie Script


Mark is an intelligent but shy teenager who has just moved to Arizona from the East Coast. His parents give him a short-wave radio so he can talk to his pals, but instead he sets up shop as pirate deejay Hard Harry, who becomes a hero to his peers while inspiring the wrath of the local high school principal. When one of Harry's listeners commits suicide and Harry- inspired chaos breaks out at the school, the authorities are called in to put a stop to Harry's broadcasts. 马克是一个聪明害羞的年轻人,刚刚从东海岸搬到Arizona.他的父母给他了一个短波的收音机对讲机,他可以用来和伙伴通话, 但是他却以海盗主持人Hard Harry的身份开始播音,他成为了同龄人的英雄,同时激起了当地高中校长的愤怒。当哈利的一位听众自杀,学校里爆发了哈利引发的混乱时,当局被要求停止哈利的广播。

On behalf of myself... and the staff of Hubert Humphrey High... I would like to thank you for turning out in such numbers.
I congratulate you on your concerns.
Now, before we begin... I would like to introduce our new school commissioner... fresh from several educational triumphs... on the East Coast-- Brian Hunter.
Before I introduce the rest of our speakers-- Excuse me, Mrs. Creswood.
Can we just skip the preliminaries... and find out what you're doing about all this?
Well, when I introduce Mr. Deaver... he'll talk about our new 24-hour hotline-- Wait a minute. The kids who need the most help... the ones with drug problems... they don't go in for stuff like that.
I know kids.
They just want to be happy.
Would you please sit down?
This radio person is the whole problem.
Are we gonna allow this guy to be heard... by anyone who can turn a dial?
Please, one at a time.
I work with teenage gangs in the city.
I say we go after this guy.
Remove him physically.
Same old rhetoric!
What are you doing-- Please! We can't have this kind of meeting.
This is not the way-- You'll all be heard.
I promise.
Brian, this is my meeting.
That's the girl who blew up her kitchen last night.
My name is Paige Woodward... and I have something to say to you people.
People are saying Harry is introducing bad things... and encouraging bad things.
lt seems to me these things were already here.
Please go and sit.