Over the past two decades, Rails has taken countless companies to millions of users and billions in market valuations.
Now, if we hop back onto local host, and we try to log in with first the wrong password. we're actually gonna see something here , when I added the authentication, it added another gem, it added bcrypt, that's what we're using to keep password secure, so we have to hop back in here and restart our development server! All right , let's save that and hop back,and see a reload here, now, we have a sign out button, and we can sign out, and that's all it should be. let's deploy this to production, we're gonna just check this thing into Git, deploy it straight to production, go back to our alpha.software...Oops! That didn't work. Why did that not work? So, be careful when you create things, that are gonna be created on the server side in your real database.The database, by the way? we haven't talked much about that, and that is because we're using SQLite. So, there is nothing to configure,there's nothing to set up, SQLite is now a suitable database for production with Rails. we have tuned it with all the right pragmas,to run SQLite well in production, you of course still need to set up a way to back that up, but everything else is preconfigured for you.