逃亡鳄鱼岛 Rogue Movie Script


当一群游客被一条巨大的食人鳄鱼跟踪时,一场田园诗般的野生动物巡游陷入了恐怖。愤世嫉俗的美国旅行作家皮特·麦克尔(Pete McKell)与一群不同的度假者一起,在卡卡杜国家公园(Kakadu National Park)的水域进行河流巡游。起初,皮特与他们的巡演队长凯特发生了冲突,凯特是一位精力充沛的年轻女子,她认为皮特只是另一个“城市滑头”,以寻求快速刺激。在平静地巡游了一天后,凯特不情愿地被说服驾驶他们的船进入未经探索的地区。他们发现了一个隐蔽的湖泊,但当他们的飞船从黑暗的深处受到强大的打击并开始下沉时,恐怖袭击了。在别无选择的情况下,她将船停靠在最近的陆地上——一个小小的泥岛上。随着潮水上涨,白天只剩下半个小时,当他们意识到自己被困在一只“无赖”鳄鱼的巢穴中时,恐惧笼罩着这群人,而这只鳄鱼只需要狩猎和杀戮。皮特和凯特不情愿地加入了 An idyllic wildlife cruise disintegrates into terror when a party of tourists are stalked by a massive man-eating crocodile. Pete McKell, a cynical American travel writer, joins a disparate group of holiday-makers on a river cruise through the waters of Kakadu National Park. Initially Pete clashes with their tour captain, Kate, a feisty young woman who assumes he is just another 'city-slicker' in search of a quick thrill. After an uneventful day cruising the river, Kate is reluctantly persuaded to steer their boat into unexplored territory. They discover a secluded lake but terror strikes when their craft receives a powerful blow from beneath the murky depths and begins to sink. With little choice, she beaches the vessel on the closest dry land -a tiny mud island. With a rising tide and only half an hour of daylight left, fear grips the group as they realize they are trapped in the lair of a 'rogue' crocodile, governed only by its need to hunt and kill. Begrudgingly, Pete and Kate join

- Where'd you see it?
- Up there.
A flare?
Did anyone else see it? No?
- No. No.
- No.
- Wait. I got the tape.
- Yeah. Rewind it a little bit.
Yeah. It's right here.
Oh, Jesus! I saw it.
- Yeah!
- There's one. There's one!
- Did you see that flare?
- I saw it..
Base, this is 'The Suzanne'.
Are you there, Bill? Over.
Base, this is 'The Suzanne'.
Do you read me? Over.
I can't understand you.
I'm in Kingston Gorge and I'm getting severe interference. Do you read me?
I think I just saw a flare.
So I'm gonna head upriver and check it out.
'Suzanne', out.
Alright, we've just seen what looks like a distress flare, so we're gonna take a quick run upriver and see if anyone's in trouble.
I realise this is a bit of an inconvenience, but we do have to respond.