恋恋书中人Ruby Sparks Movie Script


凯文(保罗·达诺 Paul Dano 饰)是一名天才小说家,曾经凭借处女作跻身全国著名作家,可是到了第二部作品时却遇到了瓶颈。与此同时,他的生活也显得不尽如人意,自从初恋女友离开他以后,凯文一直孤身一人,甚至称自己是“不适合约会的类型”。于是,凯文开始在梦里虚构了一个自 己的理想型露比(佐伊·卡赞 Zoe Kazan 饰),并把梦中的露比记录下来预备做自己新书的题材。就这样,凯文过了几个晚上做梦白天写作的日子。直到有一天,凯文醒来发现梦中的露比竟然真真实实的出现在了他的生活里,更令人难以置信的是凯文竟然可以通过书写虚构的露比来改变现实生活中的露比……

I cooked.
Sorry, no. You know, I think that we're just gonna eat here.
I mean, we already ordered, so... So when are you coming home?
I don't know. Your place is kind of far and we're drinking, so... You know, I might be kind of late.
Why don't we just see each other tomorrow?
Okay. Um, have a great time.
Calvin, I wanna come home.
I have to pee.
I miss you right now.
Oh, Calvin.
- I'd rather not talk about it.
- I'm sorry.
I always thought you walked alone.
No man walks alone from choice.
Where are you going?
To get the phone.
Can I come with you?
Two for the 7:
45. It's sold out. There's a 9:00.
Take a walk first?
Two for the 9.
Look at this.