拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script


  瑞恩(马特•达蒙 Matt Damon饰 )是二战期间的美国伞兵,被困在了敌人后方。更不幸的是,他的三个兄弟全部在战争中死亡,如果他也遇难,家中的老母亲将无依无靠。   美国作战总指挥部知道了这个情况,毅然决定组织一个小分队前往救援,其中包括米勒上尉(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰 )和翻译厄本(杰里米.戴维斯 Jererry Davies饰)。然而,敌方危险重重,他们一路上随时与死亡打交道。他们非常怀疑,到底值不值得冒着八个人的生命危险,去搭救一个人。   大家一路辗转寻找瑞恩,对于这次搭救行动,有人不满,有人热忱,有人好奇。大家一次次闻到死神的气息,瑞恩的获救付出了沉重的代价

They didn't want to give up those one-fifty-fives, sir.
COLONEL ANDERSON It was a hard assignment, that's why you got it.
Yes, sir.
COLONEL ANDERSON Where are your men now?
Pinned down, a mile east of here, waiting for some help from the navy guns.
COLONEL ANDERSON I'm sending Simpson to take over for you, the division is going to Caen, you're not coming with us, I have something else for you.
COLONEL ANDERSON There's a Private James Ryan who parachuted in with the Hundred-and- First near Ramelle. I want you to take a squad up there. If he's alive, bring him back to the beach for debarkation. Take whoever you need, you've got your pick of the company.
A private, sir?
COLONEL ANDERSON He's the last of four brothers, the other three were killed in action.
This is straight from the Chief of Staff.
But, sir...I...I... COLONEL ANDERSON Spit it out, Captain.
Respectfully, sir, sending men all the way up to Ramelle to save one private doesn't make a f***ing, goddamned bit of sense.
(beat) Sir.
The other officers freeze, listening without turning. Colonel Anderson glares at Miller.
COLONEL ANDERSON You think just because you hold the Congressional Medal of Honor, you can say any damn thing you please to your superior officers?
Miller considers the question, then smiles.
Yes, sir, more or less.
Colonel Anderson looks as if he's about to bit Miller's head off, then he smiles, too.
COLONEL ANDERSON Alright, I'll give you that.
The numbers don't make sense, sir.
His brothers are dead, that's too bad, but they're out of the equation.
Sending men up there is bleeding heart crapola from three thousand miles away. One private is simply not worth a squad. Colonel anderson This one is. He's worth a lot more than that. Which is why I'm sending you, you're the best field officer there is.