拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Movie Script


  瑞恩(马特•达蒙 Matt Damon饰 )是二战期间的美国伞兵,被困在了敌人后方。更不幸的是,他的三个兄弟全部在战争中死亡,如果他也遇难,家中的老母亲将无依无靠。   美国作战总指挥部知道了这个情况,毅然决定组织一个小分队前往救援,其中包括米勒上尉(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰 )和翻译厄本(杰里米.戴维斯 Jererry Davies饰)。然而,敌方危险重重,他们一路上随时与死亡打交道。他们非常怀疑,到底值不值得冒着八个人的生命危险,去搭救一个人。   大家一路辗转寻找瑞恩,对于这次搭救行动,有人不满,有人热忱,有人好奇。大家一次次闻到死神的气息,瑞恩的获救付出了沉重的代价

An outgoing telegram. It reads: "We regret to inform you...killed in action...heroic service..." This is the paperwork of death.
Pulls out a file. Reads. Finds something troubling. Quickly shuffles through some other papers. Finds what he's looking for. Rises from his desk and hurries out of the office.
INT. LIEUTENANT'S OFFICE - WAR DEPT. - DAY Seen through the glass wall. The clerk speaks to a YOUNG LIEUTENANT who is visibly shaken by what he is being told.
He motions to the clerk to follow and he strides out of the office with the clerk on his heels.
INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE - WAR DEPT. - DAY Again, seen through a glass wall. The Young Lieutenant speaks to a YOUNG CAPTAIN who, like the Lieutenant is clearly bothered by what he's being told. The Captain takes the papers from the Young Lieutenant and strides out.
INT. COLONEL'S OFFICE - WAR DEPT. - DAY A busy office. Aides and secretaries scurry about. The walls and tables are covered with maps of Normandy and complex deployment charts. A ONE-ARMED COLONEL with a chest full of ribbons pours himself another cup of coffee. He clearly hasn't slept in a long time. The Young Captain, his staff officer, walks in.
Young captain Colonel, I've got something you should know about.
One-armed colonel Yes?
Young captain Two brothers died in Normandy. One at Omaha Beach, the other at Utah. Last week in Guam a third brother was killed in action. All three telegrams went out this morning. Their mother in Iowa is getting all three telegrams this afternoon.
The life drains from the Colonel. Others in the room hear and freeze.
One-armed colonel Oh, Jesus.
Young captain There's more. There's a fourth brother. The youngest. He parachuted in with the Hundred-and-First Airborne the night before the invasion. He's on the front.
One-armed colonel Is he alive?
Young captain We don't know.
The Colonel regains his bearings. Stands and motions curtly to the Captain. One-armed colonel Come with me.
The Colonel regains his bearings. Stands and motions curtly to the Captain.
One-armed colonel Come with me.
The Colonel strides from the room with the Captain on his heels. The aides and secretaries watch them go.
EXT. FARM ROAD - IOWA - DAY A black car drives along a dirt road, a cloud of dust rising behind. Passing through an endless expanse of ripening corn.
EXT. RYAN FARM - IOWA - DAY A whit farmhouse. A barn. A stand of trees. Cornfields as far as the eye can see.
A tire swing. A bushel basket nailed to the barn over a dirt basketball court.
Sits empty. Moves slightly.
ON THE GLASS OF THE FRONT DOOR Four American flag decals. Each one, a man in service.
Steps out. Around sixty. Her face shows the lines of a life of hard work and mother hood. A good woman.
She wipes her hands on her apron and looks out across the fields. Far in the distance she sees the dust rising behind the black car.