闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script


  查理(克里斯•奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell 饰)是一个普通的中学生,他因为见证着一件恶作剧但又不想出卖朋友,于是面临着一道艰难的选择题——要么坦白,要么被学校勒退。而史法兰(阿尔•帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)是一个退伍军官,因为意外失明,人生从顶点的辉煌滑落谷底。 Frank is a retired Lt Col in the US army. He's blind and impossible to get along with. Charlie is at school and is looking forward to going to university; to help pay for a trip home for Christmas, he agrees to look after Frank over thanksgiving. Frank's niece says this will be easy money, but she didn't reckon on Frank spending his thanksgiving in New York.

No, sir. On the contrary.
I think it's great.
Should the headmaster of Baird be seen putt-putting around in some junker ?
In fact, I think the board of trustees have had... their first, true stroke of inspiration in some time.
Thank you, Havemeyer.
I'll take that at face value.
I'd expect nothing less, sir.
Have a good day.
- Morning, Mrs. Hunsaker.
- Good morning.
What have we here, Murderer's Row ?
- What was that about ?
- Nothing. Just saying hello.
I like to say hello to Headmaster Trask.
Sugarbush. Lift tickets and condo vouchers.
- I thought we were goin' to Stowe.
- Sugarbush is Stowe, Jimmy.
We're doing it right. Thanksgiving in Vermont, Christmas in Switzerland -- -Christmas in Gstaad is gonna cost us -- -'Staad.
The "G" is silent.
'Staad. George ?
- 'Staad.
- Trent ?
- 'Staad, man.
- So what about 'Staad ?
Fine. The "G" may be silent, but it's gonna take at least three grand to get there.