新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script


20世纪20年代,时局动荡,天下大乱,华夏大地无有一片宁静之所。时群雄并起,军阀混战。军阀少帅侯杰(刘德华 饰)纵横捭阖,骄横跋扈,视平民如草芥,却难逃自身劫数。正所谓城头变换大王旗,侯杰转眼间辉煌不在,副官曹蛮(谢霆锋 饰)伺机上位、妻子颜夕(范冰冰 饰)离去、女儿身亡,种种打击令这个昔日的乱世修罗万念俱灰。落魄至少林寺期间,侯杰先后结识悟道(成龙 饰)、净能(吴京 饰)、净海(余少群 饰)、净空(释延能 饰)等僧众,并慢慢领悟了宿世的罪障因果,遂放下贪嗔痴慢疑之心,诚心向佛。与此同时,更大的磨难正向少林袭来…… 少林寺住持释永信担任该片监制。

Put it down, discontinue this path.
We are in a war, it has always been like this.
Don't be like me.
I've come to realise my past crimes.
It's time to stop.
Could we not fight?
What do you think?
I yield.
Shaolin Temple?
Shaolin Temple will not be dishonoured.
Buddha is compassionate.
Madam! You can't leave! It's dangerous outside!
Abbot! My child is missing!
My child is missing!
- Brother!
- Brother!
Quick! Quick!
Brother... Brother!
- Brother!
- Jinghai... Brother!
- Brother!
- Brother!