肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



What was his name?
What? What'd you say?
I was wondering if anyone knew his name.
What the f*** you care, new fish?
(resumes eating) Doesn't matter what his f***in' name was. He's dead.
33INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 33 A DEAFENING NOISE of industrial washers and presses. Andy works the laundry line. A nightmarish job. He's new at it. BOB, the con foreman, elbows him aside and shows him how it's done.
34INT -- SHOWERS -- DAY (1947) 34 Shower heads mounted in bare concrete. Andy showers with a dozen or more men. No modesty here. At least the water is good and hot, soothing his tortured muscles.
Bogs looms from the billowing steam, smiling, checking Andy up and down. Rooster and PETE appear from the sides. The Sisters.
You're some sweet punk. You been broke in yet?
Andy tries to step past them. He gets shoved around, nothing serious, just some slap and tickle. Jackals sizing up prey.
Hard to get. I like that.
Andy breaks free, flushed and shaking. He hurries off, leaving the three Sisters laughing.
35INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 35 Andy lies staring at the darkness, unable to sleep.
36EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1947) 36 Exercise period. Red plays catch with Heywood and Jigger, lazily tossing a baseball around. Red notices Andy off to the side. Nods hello. Andy takes this as a cue to amble over.
Heywood and Jigger pause, watching.
(offers his hand) Hello. I'm Andy Dufresne.
Red glances at the hand, ignores it. The game continues.
The wife-killin' banker.
How do you know that?
I keep my ear to the ground. Why'd you do it?
I didn't, since you ask.
Hell, you'll fit right in, then.
(off Andy's look) Everyone's innocent in here, don't you know that? Heywood! What are you in for, boy?
Didn't do it! Lawyer f***ed me! Red gives Andy a look. See?
What else have you heard?