肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Andy nods, embarrassed. He gets up and hurries out. Red grins, turns back to the movie.
65INT -- AUDITORIUM CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 65 Andy exits the theater and freezes in his tracks. Two dark figures loom in the corridor, blocking his path. Rooster and Pete. Andy turns back -- and runs right into Bogs. Instant bear hug. The Sisters are on him like a flash. They kick a door open and drag him into -- 66 THE PROJECTION BOOTH 66 -- where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old con blinking at them through thick bifocals.
Take a walk.
I have to change reels.
I said f*** off.
Terrified, the old man darts past and out the door. Pete slams and locks it. Bogs shoves Andy to the center of the room.
I know. I've seen it three times this month already.
Ray Milland starts SCREAMING. The entire audience SCREAMS witt him, high-pitched and hysterical. Andy fidgets.
Can we talk business?
Sure. What do you want?
Rita Hayworth. Can you get her?
No problem. Take a few weeks.
Don't have her stuffed down my pants this very moment, sorry to say. Relax. What are you so nervous about? She's just a woman.
Andy nods, embarrassed. He gets up and hurries out. Red grins, turns back to the movie.
65INT -- AUDITORIUM CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 65 Andy exits the theater and freezes in his tracks. Two dark figures loom in the corridor, blocking his path. Rooster and Pete. Andy turns back -- and runs right into Bogs. Instant bear hug. The Sisters are on him like a flash. They kick a door open and drag him into -- 66 THE PROJECTION BOOTH 66 -- where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old con blinking at them through thick bifocals.
Take a walk.
I have to change reels.
I said f*** off.
Terrified, the old man darts past and out the door. Pete slams and locks it. Bogs shoves Andy to the center of the room.
Ain't you gonna scream?
Andy sighs, c*cks his head at the projector.
They'd never hear me over that.
Let's get this over with.
Seemingly resigned, Andy turns around, leans on the rewind bench -- and curls his fingers around a full 1.000 foot reel of 35mm film. Rooster licks his lips, pushes past the others.