肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Me first.
Andy whips the reel of film around in a vicious arc, smashing it into Rooster's face and bouncing him off the wall.
F***! Sh*t! He broke my nose! Andy fights like hell, but is soon overpowered and forced to his knees. Bogs steps to Andy, pulls out an awl with a vicious eight-inch spike, gives him a good long look at it.
Now I'm gonna open my fly, and you're gonna swallow what I give you to swallow. And when you d mine, you gonna swallow Rooster's. You done broke his nose, so he ought to have somethin' to show for it.
Anything you put in my mouth, you're going to lose.
You don't understand. You do that, I'll put all eight inches of this steel ii your ear.
Okay. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down. Hard.
(faint smile) In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar.
The Sisters consider this carefully. The film runs out of the projector, flapping on the reel. The screen goes white.
You little f***.
Andy gets a bootheel in the face. The Sisters start kicking and beating the living sh*t out of him with anything they can get their hands on. In the theater, the convicts are CHANTING AND CLAPPING for the movie to come back on.
RED (V.O.) Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth, and neither did his friends.
What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life... 67INT -- INFIRMARY -- DAY (1949) 67 Andy lies wrapped in bandages.
RED (V.O.) Andy spent a month in traction.
68INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT -- DAY (1949) 68 RED (V.O.) Bogs spent a week in the hole.
Bogs sits on bare concrete. The steel door slides open.
Time's up, Bogs.
69INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 3RD TIER -- DUSK (1949) 69 Bogs comes up the stairs, smoking a cigarette. Not many cons around; the place is virtually deserted. A VOICE echoes dimly over the P.A. system: VOICE (O.S.) Return to your cellblocks for evening count.
Bogs enters his cell. Dark in here. He fumbles for the light cord, yanks it. The sudden light reveals Captain Hadley six inches from his face, waiting for him. Mert steps in behind Bogs. hemming him.
Before Bogs can even open his mouth to say "what the f***," Hadley rams the tip of his baton brutally into his solar plexus. Bogs doubles over, gagging his wind out.
70 GROUND FLOOR 70 Ernie comes slowly around the corner, rolling a steel mop cart loaded with supplies.
71 2ND TIER 71 Red is darning a sock in his open cell. He pauses, frowning, hearing strange THUMPING sounds. What the hell is that?
72 3RD TIER 72 It's Hadley and Mert methodically and brutally pulping Bogs with their batons, and kicking the sh*t out of him for good measure. He feebly tries to ward them off.
73 2ND TIER 73 Puzzled, Red steps from his cell, following the sound. It dawns on him that it's coming from above. He moves to the railing and leans out, craning around to look up -- 74 RED'S POV 74 -- just as Bogs flips over the railing and comes sailing directly toward us, eyes bugging out, SCREAMING as he falls.