肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



He tosses Jake through the bars. The crow flaps away.
108EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- MAIN GATE -- DAY (1954) 108 TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS herald the opening of the gate. It swings hugely open, revealing Brooks standing in his cheap suit, carrying a cheap bag, wearing a cheap hat.
Brooks walks out, tears streaming down his face. He looks back. Red, Andy, and others stand at the inner fence, seeing him off. The massive gate closes, wiping them from view.
109INT -- BUS -- DAY (1954) 109 Brooks is riding the bus, clutching the seat before him, gripped by terror of speed and motion.
BROOKS (V.O.) Dear Fellas. I can't believe how fast things move on the outside.
110EXT -- STREET -- PORTLAND, MAINE -- DAY (1954) 110 Brooks looks like a kid trying to cross the street without his parents. People and traffic a blur.
BROOKS (V.O.) I saw an automobile once when I was young. Now they're everywhere.
111EXT -- BREWSTER HOTEL -- DAY (1954) 111 Brooks comes trudging up the sidewalk. He glances up as a prop-driven airliner streaks in low overhead.
BROOKS (V.O.) The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.
He arrives at the Brewster. It ain't much to look at.
112INT -- BREWSTER HOTEL -- DAY (1954) 112 A WOMAN leads Brooks up the stairs toward the top floor. He has trouble climbing so many stairs.
No music in your room after eight p.m. No guests after nine. No cooking except on the hotplate... BROOKS (V.O.) People even talk faster. And louder.
113INT -- BROOKS' ROOM -- DAY (1954) 113 Brooks enters. The room is small, old, dingy. Heavy wooden beams cross the ceiling. An arched window affords a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise drifts in. Brooks sets his bag down. He doesn't quite know what to do. He just stands there, like a man waiting for a bus.
BROOKS (V.O.) The parole board got me into this halfway house called the Brewster, and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway... 114INT -- FOODWAY MARKET -- DAY (1954) 114 Loud. Jangling with PEOPLE and NOISE. Brooks is bagging groceries. Registers are humming, kids are shrieking.
Make sure he double-bags. Last time your man didn't double-bag and the bottom near came out.
You double-bag like the lady says, understand?
Yes sir, double-bag, surely will.
BROOKS (V.O.) It's hard work. I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time.
I don't think the store manager likes me very much.
115EXT -- PARK -- DAY (1954) 115 Brooks sits alone on a bench, feeding pigeons.
BROOKS (V.O.) Sometimes after work I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doing okay and making new friends.
116INT -- BROOKS' ROOM -- NIGHT (1954) 116 Dark. Traffic outside. Brooks wakes up. Disoriented. Afraid.
Somewhere in the night, a LOUD ARGUMENT is taking place.
BROOKS (V.O.) I have trouble sleeping at night.
The bed is too big. I have bad dreams, like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am.