肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



117INT -- FOODWAY -- DAY (1954) 117 BROOKS (V.O.) Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway, so they'd send me home.
I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus.
118INT -- BROOKS' ROOM -- DAY (1954) 118 Brooks is packing his worldly possessions into the carry bag.
Undershirts, socks, etc.
BROOKS (V.O.) But I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense anymore.
119INT -- BROOKS' ROOM -- SHORTLY LATER (1954) 119 Brooks is dressed in his suit. He finishes knotting his tie, puts his hat on his head. The letter lies on the desk, stampe3 and ready for mailing. His bag is by the door.
BROOKS (V.O.) I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay.
He takes one last look around. Only one thing left to do. He steps to a wooden chair in the center of the room, pulls out s pocketknife, and glances up at the ceiling beam.
He steps up onto the chair. It wobbles queasily. Now facing
the beam, he carves a message into the wood:
"Brooks Hatlen was here." He smiles with a sort of inner peace.
BROOKS (V.O.) I doubt they'll kick up any fuss.
Not for an old crook like me.
120 TIGHT ON CHAIR 120 His weight shifts on the wobbly chair -- and it goes out from under him. His feet remain where they are, kicking feebly in mid-air. His hat falls to the floor.
ANGLE WIDENS. Brooks has hanged himself. He swings gently, facing the open window. Traffic noise floats up from below.
121EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- SHAWSHANK -- DAY (1954) 121 Andy reads the letter to Red and the others:
P.S. Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings.
A long silence. Andy folds the letter, puts it away. Softly:
He should'a died in here, goddamn it.
122INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1954) 122 Andy is sorting books on the cart. He replaces a stack on the shelf -- and pauses, noticing a line of ants crawling up the wood. He glances up. The ants disappear over the top. He pulls a chair over and stands on it, peers cautiously over.
Red! Red steps in with an armload of files. Andy gingerly reaches in, grabs a black feathered wing, and pulls out a dead crow.
(softly) Is that Jake?
123INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1954) 123 Red is making something at his bench, sanding and planing.
RED (V.O.) It never would have occurred to us, if not for Andy. It was his idea.
We all agreed it was the right thing to do... 124EXT -- FIELDS -- DAY (1954) 124 Low hilly terrain all around. A HUNDRED CONS are at work in the fields. GUARDS patrol with carbines, keeping a sharp eye.
We find Andy, Red, and the boys working with picks and shovels. They glance over to the pickup truck. Hadley's chewing the fat with Mert and Youngblood. A WHISTLE BLOWS.