肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Water break! Five minutes! The work stops. Cons head for the pickup truck, where water is dispensed with dipper and pail. Red and the boys look to Andy.
Andy nods. Now's the time. The group moves off through the confusion, using it as cover. They head up the slope of a nearby hill and quickly decide on a suitable spot. The guards haven't noticed.
Jigger and Floyd start swinging picks into the soft earth, quickly ripping out a hole. Red reaches into his jacket and pulls out a beautiful wooden box, carefully stained and varnished. He shows it around to nods of approval.
That's real pretty, Red. Nice work.
Shovel man in. Watch the dirt.
124 CONTINUED 124 Heywood jumps in and starts spading out the hole.
125 BY THE TRUCK 125 Youngblood glances up and sees the men on the slope.
What the f***.
(follows his gaze) HEY.' YOU MEN UP THERE.' GET YOUR ASSES OFF THAT SLOPE! (works his rifle bolt) YOU HAPPY A**HOLES GONE DEAF? YOU GOT FIVE SECONDS 'FORE I SHOOT SOMEBODY! Suddenly, other cons start breaking away in groups, dozens of them heading toward the slope. The guards look around.
What am I, talkin' to myself?
126 ON THE SLOPE 126 Andy pulls a towel-wrapped bundle from his jacket and unfolds it. Jake. Andy lays him in the box, followed by Brook's letter. Red places the casket in the hole. A moment of silence. Andy gives Red with an encouraging nod.
Lord. Brooks was a sinner. Jake was just a crow. Neither was much to look at. Both got institutionalized.
See what you can do for 'em. Amen.
Muttered "amens" all around. The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down.
127INT -- SHAWSHANK CORRIDORS -- DAY (1955) 127 RAPID DOLLY with Hadley. He's striding, pissed-off, a man on e mission. He straight-arms a door and emerges onto -- 128EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON WALL -- DAY (1955) 128 -- the wall overlooking the exercise yard. He leans on the railing, scans the yard, sees Andy chatting with Red.
Dufresne! What the f*** did you do?
(Andy looks up) Your ass, warden's office, now! Andy shoots a worried look at Red, then heads off.
129INT -- GUARD DESK/WARDEN'S OUTER OFFICE -- DAY (1955) 129 Dozens of parcel boxes litter the floor. WILEY, the duty guard, picks through them. Hadley enters, trailed by Andy.
What is all this?
You tell me, f***-stick! They're addressed to you, every damn one! Wiley thrusts an envelope at Andy. Andy just stares at it.
Well, take it.
Andy takes the envelope, pulls out a letter, reads:
Dear Mr. Dufresne. In response to your repeated inquiries, the State Senate has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project... " (stunned, examines check) This is two hundred dollars.
Wiley grins. Hadley glares at him. The grin vanishes.
In addition, the Library District has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries. We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed. Please stop sending us letters. Yours truly, the State Comptroller's Office.