肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Smart as they come. Used to be a banker on the outside.
What's he in for anyway?
The hell you say.
You wouldn't think, lookin' at him.
Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased 'em both. C'mon, boy, back to work... SMASH! Red turns back. Tommy's Coke has slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor. The kid's gone white as a sheet.
(bare whisper) Oh my God... 189INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 189 Tommy sits before Andy and Red:
'Bout four years ago, I was in Thomaston on a 2 to 3 stretch.
Stole a car. Dumbfuck thing to do.
(beat) Few months left to go, I get a new cellmate in. Elmo Blatch. Big twitchy f***er. Crazy eyes. Kind of roomie you pray you don't get, know what I'm sayin'? 6 to 12 for armed burglary. Said he done hundreds of jobs. Hard to believe, high-strung as he was. Cut a loud fart, he'd go three feet in the air. Talked all the time, too, that's the other thing. Never shut up. Places he'd been, jobs he pulled, women he f***ed. Even people he killed.
People that gave him sh*t, that's how he put it. One night, like a
joke, I say:
"Yeah? Who'd you kill?" So he says...
...I got me this job one time bussin' tables at a country club.
So I could case all the big rich pricks that come in. I pick out this guy, go in one night and do his place. He wakes up and gives me sh*t. So I killed him. Him and the tasty b*tch he was with.
(starts laughing) That's the best part! She's f***in' this prick, see, this golf pro, but she's married to some other guy! Some hotshot banker. He's the one they pinned it on! They got him down-Maine somewhere doin' time for the crime! Ain't that choice?
He throws his head back and ROARS with laughter.
191INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 191 Silence. Tommy has finished his story. Red is stunned...but Andy looks like he's been smacked with a two by four.
Andy says nothing. Walks stiffly away. Doesn't look back.
192INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 192
Well. I have to say, that's the most amazing story I ever heard.
What amazes me most is you were taken in by it.
It's obvious this fellow Williams is impressed with you. He hears your tale of woe and quite naturally wants to cheer you up.
He's young, not terribly bright.