肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



226INT -- SOLITARY WING -- NIGHT (1966) 226 Abrupt silence. LOW ANGLE on steel door.
RED (V.O.) I laughed myself right into solitary. Two week stretch.
227INT -- SOLITARY -- NIGHT (1966) 227
It's sh*t, it's sh*t, oh my God it's sh*t... He starts laughing all over again, fit to split.
RED (V.O.) Andy once talked about doing easy time in the hole. Now I knew what he meant.
228EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- WIDE SHOT -- DAY (1966) 228 Virgin landscape. Charming rural road. Suddenly, State Police cruisers rocket up the road with SIRENS AND LIGHTS.
RED (V.O.) In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Prison.
229EXT -- FIELD -- DAY (1966) 229 Shawshank is half a mile distant. WE TRACK ALONG a muddy creel as STATE TROOPERS and PRISON GUARDS scour the brush. A TROOPEE fishes a prison uniform out of the creek with a long stick.
RED (V.O.) All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old rock-hammer damn near worn down to the nub.
TROOPER g2 pulls the rock-hammer from the weeds. SWISH PAN to a POLICE PHOTOGRAPHER. His FLASHBULB GLARE produces: 230 A BLACK AND WHITE STILL PHOTO 230 of the hapless cops posing with Andy's reeking uniform and the worn rock-hammer. PUSH IN on the hammer.
RED (V.O.) I remember thinking it would take a man six hundred years to tunnel through the wall with it. Andy did it in less than twenty.
231INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 231 Once again, we see Andy using the rock-hammer to scratch his name into the cement. Suddenly, a palm-sized chunk of cement pops free and hits the floor. He stares down at it.
232INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 232 Andy lies in the dark, studying the chunk of concrete in his hands. Considering the possibilities. Wrestling with hope.
RED (V.O.) Andy loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature.
An ice age here, a million years of mountain-building there, plates of bedrock grinding against each other over a span of millennia... 233INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 233 Andy stands peering at the small hole left by the fallen chunk. Carefully runs his fingertip over it.
RED (V.O.) Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes, really. Pressure and time.
234INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1951) 234 Rita is now on the wall, hanging down over Andy's back.
RED (V.O.) That and a big damn poster.
TRACK IN to reveal Andy scraping patiently at the concrete.
RED (V.O.) Like I said. In prison, a man'll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.
He hears FOOTSTEPS approaching. He smoothes the poster down and dives into bed. A GUARD strolls by a moment later, shining his flashlight into the cell.
235EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1953) 235 Andy strolls along, whistling softly, hands in both pockets.
TILT DOWN to his pantleg. Concrete grit trickles out.
RED (V.O.) It turns out Andy's favorite hobby was totin' his wall out into the exercise yard a handful at a time... 236INT -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT (1962) 236 A GUARD strolls the tier, shining his flashlight into the cells. He pauses at Andy's bars, playing the beam over the sleeping form huddled under the blankets.